Our Blog — 710

Rayotek Sight Windows

Posted by Global Material Processing on

SAFETYRayotek Sight Window Products are fabricated and tested to exceed industry standards. As dependable as Rayotek Sight Window Products are, pressure and vacuum systems are inherently dangerous and thus proper caution must be practiced when using Sight Windows. If not installed and/or used properly Sight Windows can be dangerous. Suggested Precautions: Installation must be performed per the Installation Tab of this page. Appropriate safety-wear and shielding should be used when Sight Windows are in use. Rayotek Sight Windows must be inspected properly per the Inspection Tab of this page. Inspections should occur upon initial receipt and as part of a...

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Rosin PID Calibration

Posted by Global Material Processing on

When you get your press plates attached to your ram and mounted on the bottom as needed, you might need to re calibrate your PID to match the temp set to plate surface. Many variables can effect the temperature reading to the set temp. Many clients, once they mounted the plates are stating a 30-50 degree difference from set temp to plate temp. These are the instructions and tips for the pid calibration:  Calibration for PID  Controller instruction  Steps and Flow map:  Please find the “ parameters settings procedure” in Controller Instruction. Press SET , and Input “0089”, then Press...

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Hydrocarbon Extraction

Posted by Global Material Processing on

Hydrocarbons are some of the most efficient extraction solvents available on the market. Unfortunately, there is confusion and misinformation surrounding their safety. After reviewing Butane, Isobutene, and Propane in their pure form, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has placed these ingredients on the list of direct food substances affirmed as “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) Hydrocarbons are an entire family of molecules composed of just 2 atoms – hydrogen and carbon. Some famous family members include methane, propane, hexane, and butane. If these sound familiar, it’s no coincidence. Hydrocarbons are the primary source of combustible fuel for modern humanity!...

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